As many of us have heard that social media has a significant role in a business and its development, sometimes it just seems that it doesn’t work properly. In this article I will describe more about few things that may have been forgotten in the use of a twitter.
Yes, we all know that the twitter is a platform where a rule is to make a message in 140 characters. For the companies and products not always one tweet should consist of all 140 characters because, if we leave some space, then we give an opportunity to write something before a followers re-tweet.
Furthermore in the text we should include keywords naturally by using in front of them hash tag (aka #). In order to comply with unwritten social media rules of good tone, we should use no more that 3-4 keywords with hash tags, otherwise the tweet will look like a spam message. If we want to receive higher twitter account performance, we should also search for specific hash tags; participate in conversations and answer people questions, therefore step by step grow user trust and followers.
As the target groups are different, it’s hard to say how many tweets should be per day. Before we have some statistics and directions to work with, it is fine with 5-10 tweets per day. Later on it may change according to the target groups needs, interests and demand.
Remember: it is necessary to follow statistics of the account and tweets performance, because it gives the best feedback of the content to be improved!